Product Marketing - UI/UX
My time with SmartRent, I was hired on to help establish the ground work for a lot of their product marketing and branding for the products. I was able to help create the brand guidelines for how each product would speak to the consumers and clients that SmartRent was aiming for. My time there was focused on brochures, email marketing, social media and various other tasks that helped the team. But I was fortunate enough to finally get my hands on working with the development team in creating visual assets for the mobile apps they were starting.
For my first few projects, I handled the sales sheets and flyers used to help capture new leads at tradeshows and expos.

As my time passed I was able to join the product development team in helping create visual assets for the apps used to help manage connected devices and also navigate the app. FIRST AND FORMOST, I do not have the traditional background of going through the process of wireframing to complete assets, but this practice helped me develop my passion for learning more and wanting to push myself to navigate towards the path of UI/UX design. The examples below are the three screens I had time to work with and help develop. Those are my actual wireframe files that managed to help create the framework for the final assets. Not pretty, but it helped set up the end results.